Why Meditation and Who is Alice

"You should start meditating"


How often did I heard this sentence when I talked about my 60 hours week at work, the stress of having a bunch of hobbies and my lack of sleep. For sure I tried sitting still sometimes but that was never anything I appreciated. I could only relaxe sitting at the beach or watching my dog playing. Not that I wasn't happy but I underestimated the consequences for my body and mind.

That's why I started to searching. Not searching for a lonely monastry to hide instead looking for Methoden how to survive and adept in this fast and changing world without Looping the contact to our innerhalb self. 


Who am I? Alice Christin Heyland.....

Former Engineer and Projektmanager, now Mediation Coach, Problemsolver but most of all Optimist. I master challenges always with humour and Infekt people around me with my euporia for life and change. 


Meditation gave me back, for I was longing for and missed for a long time. Thats why I decided after my time in India and Africa to share my knowledge with people . I support people everywhere but my Homebase is Munich. 


Meditation is no morning exercise, it is a holistic approach, you need much more than a tutorial from the internet. Sure that is a start and willingness is necessary but some stop as they don't get what they are longing for. Mediation is really personal and requires a correct position, breathing techniques and routines to change your life lasting.


Alice Heyland Meditation und Atmung in München